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The Cosmic Experience: Greta Van Fleet Changes Lives

Writer's picture: gracebeddingfieldgracebeddingfield

Music is such a beautiful thing. Stories are told all around us, by the earth, films, books. A song, however, can tell a story in just a few moments. These stories told by music touch our lives in such profound ways. Music can take you back to a place you’ve been, or it can take you to a place you hope to go one day. It can capture a moment so perfectly, the same way a camera can, and that is what makes music so beautiful. A world where this is no music is one that I would not want to live in.

One exciting aspect of the musical world is discovering new songs and new artists. This is my favorite part. Running across a song is an indescribable feeling. Whether it is a tune that catches your ear or a lyric that speaks to your heart, hearing a song for the first time transforms you. There is something so pure about not knowing what to expect when the music flows through the speakers. What I love most, though, is finding an artist that changes me in the best way. There is one band in particular that has done that and so much more.

One day I was driving my younger brother around and he asked me to listen to a song. When the song started, I thought it was a classic rock song that I had yet to hear. He asked me if I had heard it and I guessed it was an older rock band. I was then informed that it was a band, around my age making rock music, called Greta Van Fleet. I was shocked to say the least. The song my brother played was “Safari Song” and that song opened a gateway to their music for me.

There is something so different about Greta Van Fleet’s music that I could not place. It gives off such a nostalgic and classic feel, but it has its own modern twist to it. They are truly a rock ‘n’ roll band and they prove that with each and every song they release. It is so difficult for me to describe the emotions I feel when I listen to their music. Each song is different from the last, yet they all go together so beautifully. The lyrics to every song are truly poetic and the sound they have created is so unique. It is so rare for me to find an artist where I love every song they release, but it is safe to say that Greta Van Fleet is definitely one of those artists.

This band has truly changed my life. I was in a place where I felt somewhat numb to the things around me. This band has brought so much happiness into my life and I will never be able to thank them enough. In a way they helped me feel again. They have not only touched me with their music, but with their words and their message as a band. Greta Van Fleet promote peace, love, and unity and this is something that is so beautiful, especially in a time when division seems so prevalent.

Not only have they touched my heart, but I also feel as though they have opened my heart as well. They have introduced me to music I have never heard as well as re-introduced me to music I had let slip out of my mind. Alongside expanding my library of music, I believe that Greta Van Fleet has helped me become more of myself. They are so unapologetically themselves that it encourages me to be me. To be who I am and not care what others think, and to love others and do my part to make this world a better place. There is simply no way to describe their impact on my life.

On August 6th of 2021, I woke up and drove 4 hours to Nashville with my dad and brother to see night two of the Strange Horizons tour. I couldn’t hardly sleep the night before. When I finally got to the beautiful Firstbank Amphitheater, my body was so jittery with excitement. My brother and I took our seats and got to watch the talented openers, Cedric Burnside and Shovels & Rope. Being around people again in that setting, waiting to see a live performance, you could feel the anticipation.

The sun began to set as the stage crew took down the curtains and set up the stage for Greta Van Fleet to perform. The stage lights came on a soft blue glow and the smoke began to fill the stage. Everyone rose from their seats with enthusiasm, waiting to see the boys take the stage. Sam walked out first in an exquisite blue suit and gracefully began playing the piano. Danny followed shortly after, taking his seat behind the drums. The start of “Heat Above” drifted through the air and then Jake entered the stage, hooking up his guitar and added to the symphony of this incredible song in the beginning chords. Then Josh made his entrance in an angelic white jumpsuit accented with colorful feathers and sparkles. The crowd erupted in cheers and when Josh began singing the first lyrics, so did everyone in that rock quarry.

The energy never once faded throughout the entire show. Each and every song they performed that night took me to another place. Listening to their music on Spotify is one thing, but getting to hear them live, was such a cosmic experience. When watching their show, you could see the music flowing through them. They performed “When the Curtain Falls,” and then exited the stage, but the crowd wasn’t ready for it to end. The boys came back on stage and graced us with three more songs. When the show was over, it felt like I had dreamt it all. That was my first time seeing them live, but it most definitely won’t be the last. This band has created such alluring music and I cannot wait to see what music they will bless us with in the future.

Greta Van Fleet’s music has truly changed the world in an amazing way. They have brought friends into my life that I otherwise may have never met. They have helped me remember that love and kindness matter. Josh once said, “where there is love we must live on and where there is not love, we must provide it.” I am thankful they are providing love through their music. They are truly an incredible band and they are just getting started.



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